So, ever since I started this new job I have had my earbuds in and my Ipod on. I sit at a computer all day and type numbers.
After the first week I had listened to all the music on my Ipod 3 times. So I was getting bored. That's when I started looking into Podcasts. They are great.
Do you work a job where you are allowed to listen to your Ipod? Or do you have a long commute to work? Maybe you stay at home all day and just want something interesting to hear. Radio without all the bullshit.
If that sounds like you, you should definitely check out some podcasts. I believe it is the future of radio, and is an awesome medium because there is no regulation, no interference. Just some folks talking about whatever the fuck they want, for however long they want.
These are my recommendations:
WTF! With Marc Maron
Marc Maron is great. He's a comedian who came up with Louis CK, Sarah Silvermen, David Cross and Dave Atell, except he never learned how to play nice. Now, middle aged and twice divorced, he is finally coming to grips with the fact that most of his problems are his own. (the fact that he had 3 hour long specials and looks completely different in all 3 and that he's been on Conan over 30 times and not recognizable to the casual comedy fan is ridiculous.) In WTF Maron, the former Air America talk radio DJ, interviews folks, comics mostly, and get's real with them. He almost always learns something himself, and also apologizes for whatever shitty thing he did to the interviewee in the past. Probably my favorite podcast.Jordan, Jesse GO!
Jesse "America's Radio Sweetheart" Thorn and Jordan "The Boy Detective" Morris, are the titular hosts of Jordan, Jesse, GO! which is a 1-2 hour interview show, where they interview comedians, actors and general interesting people. The shows are always fun, and a non-radio friendly alternative to Jesse Thorn's NPR/PRI radio show The Sound of Young America. They talk about all sorts of amazing stuff, and encourage their listeners to call in when a monumental moment happens to them. It's a funny, light, fun show.
"You want a podcast? I gotta smodcast", so rhymes MC Chris on the theme song to Smodcast, featuring Director Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma) and his best friend/producer Scott Mosier. This podcast, dating back to 2006, is based around the two friends sitting in a room for an hour or so and talking to each other. Sometimes it's topical, sometimes it's insane. There is a fun timeline involved, since it starts back with the filming of Clerks 2, goes through Zach and Miri (and the fallout after it didn't reach industry expectations), the fucked up-ness of filming Cop Out, and finally the relaxation of shooting Red State. To see how Kevin Smith has changed over the last 4 years is pretty interesting. Probably the biggest change came working with Seth Rogan in 2008, when Kevin became a full time stoner. Listen and laugh.
The Nerdist

The Nerdist Podcast, with hosts Chris Hardwick (G4's Attack of the Show and Web Soup, but most importantly MTV's Singled Out) along with comedian Jonah Ray and Apple Store employee Matt Mira, is a great show for nerds. They interview guests and talk about technology (but not in an overkill way.) My favorite thing is that they hosts all have a great outlook, and are big into motivation and living life. Every episode ends with a quote from Jonah Ray about savoring every moment by saying "Enjoy your Burrito". I like that.
Kevin Pollak's Chat Show
Kevin Pollak, character actor and comedian, best known for roles in A Few Good Men and The Usual Suspects (and Juwana Man) is the host of this wonderful show. Pollak sits for 1-2 hours with actors and does an in depth serious interview. No bullshit Leno stuff. He asks real questions and you can tell the guests enjoy the show. He's hilarious, and his sidekick Sam Levine (from Freaks and Geeks and Inglorious Basterds) keeps the banter alive. This is a wonderful way to pass time.
Those are the biggies. Below are some more I like. Links to the websites where these are found are useless cause the easiest way to get these is to just subscribe for free on Itunes. So check 'em out. and if you like them, let me know, cause I feel like the only one in Iowa who listens to podcasts.

Doug Loves Movies

(comedy variety show) (3 friends talking about shit)

(Kevin Smith helps Jason Mewes stay off drugs)

(comedy up your ass)

(npr show) (my lefty fix)

(wonderful live concerts)