(get it, it's Oscar)
Last year I did Oscar picks and didn't do to bad.
So here I go again...
The Oscar Best Picture nominees for this year are:
127 Hours (saw it)
Black Swan (saw it)
The Fighter(saw it)
Inception (saw it)
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech(saw it)
The Social Network(saw it)
Toy Story 3 (saw it)
True Grit
Winter's Bone
My Picks (will win/should win in my eyes)...
Best Actor:
Jesse Eisenberg/James Franco
Best Supporting Actor:
Christian Bale/Christian Bale
Best Actress:
Natalie Portman/Natalie Portman
Best Supporting Actress:
Helena Bonahm Carter/Hailee Steinfeld
Best Animated Film:
Toy Story 3/Toy Story 3
Best Documentary:
Inside Job/Exit Through the Gift Shop
Best Director:
David Fincher/David O. Russell
Best Picture:
The Social Network/The Fighter