Chuck Palahniuk just writes one crazy book after another. "Snuff" is the story of an aging porn star, Cassie, who decides as her last hurrah she is going to break the record for most sexual acts in one day, 600. The book is told through the eyes of four people. An aging male porn star who wants to bang Cassie out of respect. A confused middle aged legit-actor who recently lost his job on a popular "Law and Order" style tv show because of his sex life, who wants to propose to Cassie so they can get a reality show. An 18 year old high school graduate who is obsessed with Cassie, and doesn't want to fuck her but save her, because he beleives she is his birth mother. And the last character is the girl who organized the whole gang bang, Cassie's right hand girl. A tough feminist. This isn't so much a sex story, as it is a "who-done-it", "it" being Cassie. I'd say this book is better than "Invisible Monsters" and "Lullaby", but not as good as "Survivor" or "Rant". But still, the worst Chuck Palahniuk book is still pretty fucking good.
LISTEN: The Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave

LISTEN: The Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave

So back in Febuary when I made my "Top 10 of 2008" this was on it. At that time, I had listened to it once or twice and thought it was great. Since then, I have listened to it maybe 500 times. Kristian Matsson, who is The Tallest Man on Earth, has a voice like no other. It's not great. But it is booming. The music is beautiful folky/blue grass. Matsson is from Sweden, where latley I have found lots of great music (Jose Gonzales, The Knife), and he has a great take on the world. The best thing is, this is his debut album. And the 10 songs on it burn through your soul. I can't wait to hear how he progresses. Below is a live version of "Honey Won't You Let Me In", enjoy.
WATCH: Entourage

WATCH: Entourage

A lot of people, including one of my favorite bloggers Dan Hopper, write Entourage off as some douche bag parade. Well it's not. It is great. For anyone who has great friends that they have had for years, this is a show for you. Not to mention crazy story lines, a cool slant on Hollywood and the most beautiful girls in the world. Entourage follows Vincent Chase, a young budding star as he tries to make a career in the pictures. He wants to make good movies, not just popcorn bullshit, which can be a hard decision for a young actor to make. The "entourage" is his boys from Queens: Eric or "E", his manager, a feisty irish mick who is small but can talk the shit and beat your ass. Turtle, his driver, who is a little bit ghetto, but there for you at the drop of the hat. and Johnny Drama, Vince's brother and a washed up character actor on shows such as "Blue" (Pacific, not NYPD) and Melrose Place. Then there is Ari, Vince's agent, who is a complete asshole, but has Vince's best intentions at heart. The first 5 seasons are great stories with definite re-watch ability. Season 6 started last night on HBO, and I have yet to watch the first episode. I cannot wait though. The only negative of the show is the fact that it's sometimes a full year between seasons. Here is the trailer for season six. Get hooked.
RENT: Push

RENT: Push

Push is a great movie. I wish I would have seen it in the theater. I don't really know how to explain it, but think X-Men meets Logan's Run. Great performances by Chris Evans (probably his best roll since Danny Boyle's Sunshine) and my biggest surprise was Dakota Fanning, as a 13 year old "watcher" or person who can see the future (sort of). Go rent it, it's in the Red Box.